
Friends? Family? Recommendations?

Let's hear em'.

Here's where we'll be.

  • Australia (Sydney down to Melbourne, Tasmania... maybe Adelaide, Canberra, maybe up to Brisbane, Cairnes, etc...)
  • New Zealand (...everywhere...)
  • Fiji?
  • Indonesia?
  • Japan (probably stay in Honshu... but I'd like to see the mountains in Hokkaido as well)
  • S.E. Asia (things get really fluffy here... Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Korea?, China?, Malaysia?, who knows... depends on how compelling your recommendations are...)
Any e-mails, links, etc. are welcome, send them my way (kuwabara.yu@gmail.com). I'll have basic info (like from Lonely Planet Guidebooks)... but I'd love to get info on your friends, family, shops, hostels, hikes, restaurants, etc. that had an impression on you that you'd really recommend.

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