
WWJV (Pygmy Coho) - Part 2.

Learned from a buddy that used to be a NOLS instructor a little more about the guy who I purchased the kit from. I bought it in the headlands and I had talked to him for about an hour out there with him, and that was it. Never e-mailed, or talked to him again. I did learn though that he had cancer and was a great NOLs instructor.

In anycase, we are now contemplating re-christening her to "Wild Willie's JV" as in Wild Willie's everlasting Joint adVenture... if she comes out worthy of the name... worthy or not, I'm sure WWJV will go on a few adventures of her own. Also... the acronym could stand for Where Would Jesus Venture... which means nothing.


And here is an article written by Willie, paddling with Sharks...

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