
We made it!

We arrived in Sydney this morning with no problems. We even had the whole row all to our selves, so Kimbo could lie down the whole flight.

The only delay in our travels so far was in Oakland, as we took the 53 down from Moses' house to Fruitvale BART... where they were protesting the shooting of Oscar Grant.

Taking the tandem on board went smooth. We took two bike boxes to the airport (thanx Julie!), disassembled the bike for transport there, AND they didn't even charge us for the bike! Woohoo. The bike arrived safely, and after putting it together, we got on the bike path from the airport to downtown Sydney. Riding on the left side of the road took a little getting used to, but we made it to our first host's place safe and sound.

We even caught the Oklahoma vs Florida game at the Fox Studio Sports Bar.... Fox and Lion. Drinking a beer there was really when it first kicked in for me that I am traveling... a scary, but very liberating feeling.

We plan to stay in Sydney for a few more nights (we're staying with a warmshowers host...with wireless internet), then we'll be on our merry way south on the Coastal Road.... stay tuned...

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